Okapi Capsules Decaf

Okapi Capsules Decaf


Okapi Swiss Water Decaf

The Okapi Origin is grown at prime elevation, gently nurtured in the rich volcanic soils and in the glow of the golden Colombian sun. A smooth blend for people who love coffee but don't want the caffeine hit.

This is ideal to have in Espresso form, but also mixes beautifully with milk for an amazing Flat White, Latte or Cappuccino.

The Okapi (pronounced oh-cop-ee) is a beautiful and unusual animal and is the only living relative of the Giraffe family. While the Okapi is part of the Giraffe family is also something mysterious and rare; related but distinct in its own right.

Our Okapi coffee capsules are compatible with the NS Minipresso and all original Nespresso Systems.

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Growing Alitude
1200-1800 MASL


Harvest Period


Mild - medium flavour

Perfect for
Espresso & filter coffee