National Praise for Zarraffa’s Beans

In the recent 2018 Australian and New Zealand Golden Bean competition, Zarraffa’s took home three bronze medals for their delicious coffee range.

The Golden Bean is the world’s largest coffee roasters’ competition and conference, where the serious business of coffee roasting is judged in order to determine Australia’s best.

This year, the Golden Bean was held from 21-24 November in Port Macquarie, NSW, with over 1,400 individual entries from Australian and New Zealand coffee roasting businesses eager to claim the winner’s trophy. 

Australian-owned and operated specialty coffee company, Zarraffa’s Coffee, entered four out of ten categories and was awarded three bronze medals.

Managing Director Kenton Campbell said it was gratifying that the experienced palettes of the judging panel agreed with what Zarraffa’s customers already know.

“Throughout our network of almost 80 stores in Queensland, News South Wales and Western Australia our customers show what they like each and every day, espresso shot by shot,” said Kenton.

“We’ve been in business now for 21 years and we’re still all about the coffee, starting back in the day when I used to hand roast in the 1990’s. Two decades on, we’re thrilled to be recognised for our coffee passion.”

Zarraffa’s took out two Bronze awards in Category #09 Chain store/Coffee Franchise (Milk based) in a first for their Java Gold coffee beans, a rich chocolate and nutty flavour, and also the African Masai coffee beans, a wild and fruity flavour with a light dark-chocolate aftertaste.

Bronze was also bestowed in Category #08 Chain store/Coffee Franchise (Espresso) for the Midnight Café beans, perfect for a short black, full-flavoured with a sharp bite, while the tasty decaf blend was also recognised with a Bronze medal in Category #06 Decaffeinated (Milk based).

“The Golden Bean is the largest coffee roasters’ competition in the world, and we’ve been fortunate to have been recognised consistently for our various blends across the years,” said Kenton.

“Coffee is a way of life for us at Zarraffa’s with so much time dedicated to roasting and barista training, in order to produce that perfect cup.”

Zarraffa’s Coffee is open in almost 90 locations across Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia.

For more information go to:


Category #09 Chain
Store/Coffee Franchise (Milk Based) Section – BRONZE

  • Java Gold

  • African Masai

Category #08 Chain
Store/Coffee Franchise (Espresso) Section – BRONZE

  • Midnight

Category #06
Decaffeinated (Milk Based) Section – BRONZE

  • Decaf